Tournesol Prize FIBD (Source: FIBD)
FIBD International Comics Festival Angouleme logo
(Source: FIBD International Comics Festival Angouleme)
(Source: FIBD International Comics Festival Angouleme)
As an "off" of the Angoulême International Comics Festival, the 24th Sunflower BD Prize goes this year to Swiss designer of Italian origin Tom Tirabosco, for his latest album "Wild Woman", published by Futuropolis. This prize rewards for the 24th year an album published in French, highlighting one or more values “‹“‹of political ecology. The jury is chaired each year by an ecology figure, this year EELV spokesperson, Éva Sas. It also included Benoît Monange, director of the Foundation for Political Ecology, the designer Laurent Lolmède, the winner last year, the Spanish screenwriter Antonio Altarriba, a moderator of the L 214 association, Jonathan Lecarderonnel and the vice- President of the Region (and head of list at the Municipalities in Angoulême) Françoise Coutant. After a close vote with “˜´ Le Loup ´´ by Jean-Marc Rochette and “˜´ Humans, Roya is a river ´´ by Baudoin and Troub´s, the 240 black-and-white pages of Tirabosco made the difference. The album tells, after a planetary disaster, the route of a young woman who, to join the rebels, takes refuge in the forest, faces dangers and loneliness there, before meeting a strange creature, furry like an animal and figure strong and protective feminine. At once ecological fable, anti-capitalist social critic, awakening to other emotional relationships outside of patriarchy, and other themes, neither militant nor above-ground, this powerful comic book crowns a year of graphic production particularly marked by ecology. The award also recognizes the commitment of Tom Tirabosco, whose entire work advocates for a fairer and more peaceful world, in a graphic style of perfect efficiency, and a narration of great clarity. This vision, often black, can provide a thrill of threat, between the collapse of civil war and general rampage of the planet, but where human warmth and solidarity gives a chance to get out, probably the last that we have left.Source : EELV French Ecologist Party
Angouleme International Comics Festival Sunflower Prize Tom Tirabosco Wild Woman Jedi Foster Rahma Sophia Rachdi
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